July 31, 2014

I am still painting flowers for you

Outfit details:

Tank: MishMish: Shiba, Fifty Linden Fridays this week (Thanks Aime!)
Ring: Bliensen + MaiTai: Hanalei, Yellow, Aloha Fair 1L$ gift
Skins: WoW: Didy Milk, Natural, Aloha Fair
Nails: Lumae: Aloha Fun Colours, Slink, Aloha Fair 1L$ gift
Hair Accessory: Legal Insanity: Flower garland
Shorts: Mimosa: Dots, Aloha Fair
Eyes: Song: Circle, Grey, dollarbie pack
Heels: Deer: Mazie, OMGacha
Hair: Wasabi Pills: Ellie, Mesh, Browns, Fameshed
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet Female High, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Kirin: Rumi 2, old Collabor 88

Location: Seductions gallery. They have some really cool images in this gallery, well worth visiting.

July 26, 2014

They Call it Meadow Yellow

Outfit details:

Dress: NYU: Cassy, Sunshine, Fifty Linden Fridays
Shoes: Bens Beauty: Lonely Pumps, Yellow, fi Friday
Eyes: Song: Circle, Brown, dollarbie pack
Hair: Tableau Vivant: Meersand, Winter, old C88
Skin: YS&YS: Marcela, Sweet, TDRF
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet, Female, Mid, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Purple Poses, Rachel 03, Collabor88


Flowers: Apple Fall: Meadow Flowers, C88
Chair: Lisp: Zoe, White & Oak, FLF
Sloth: Theosophy: Pullover, Sloth Life, Gangster Pack, FLF
Shelf: Zigana: bookshelves, FLF
Table Lamps: What Next: Maison, FLF
Stool: Art Dummy: Retrograde, light, old FLF

July 24, 2014

Cyber Pink

I know, bad pun. It is a bad pun type of a day.

Hair: Gauze: Unseelie, Pyromaniac, Hair Fair (Thanks Yukio)
Necklace: Atomic: Kawaii Moon, Silver Pink, OMGacha
Ring: Moon Amore: Romance, dollarbie
Bodysuit: Ash's Trash: Wango
Shoes: Essenz: Cannes, Pink, Lyfe of Style
Eyes: InkHeart: March, Ruby (Thanks InkHeart!)
Bag: Boom: Studio Tote, Pink, old FLF
Nails: Diva: Ribbon, Slink appliers, old Kawaii hunt
Skin: Panda Punx Body Shop: Saini, old Hunt Gift
Collar: Swallow: Collier Cameo, Pink, old TDRF
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet, Female, Mid, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Purple Poses: Rachel 02, Collabor88


Bladerunner City, The Offworld Colonies, an art installation by BladerunnerSPN1977 Sands and Blackmamba Sands

July 22, 2014

This Sign of Actual Peril

"My sensations upon recognising this sign of actual peril were perhaps less rather than more tumultuous because of my previous vague fears. I had been, albeit without definite reason, instinctively on my guard—and that was to my advantage in the new and real crisis, whatever it might turn out to be. Nevertheless the change in the menace from vague premonition to immediate reality was a profound shock, and fell upon me with the force of a genuine blow. It never once occurred to me that the fumbling might be a mere mistake. Malign purpose was all I could think of, and I kept deathly quiet, awaiting the would-be intruder’s next move."

The Shadow Over Innsmouth
By H. P. Lovecraft

Outfit details:

Hair: Deco: Raked Up, coal
Top: Giomen: Formal Shirts w/ Tie, black, Cosmopolitan Sales Room
Skin and shape: 7 Deadly Skins: Erik, Bro couture
Boots: The Forge: Daerwen, Male, Worn Black
Eyes: ID: Natural, Spring, mesh and system, VIP Pack 7/15/2014
Nails: ASS: Boned, black, Slink appliers, 50% retirement sale upstairs until August 1st
Pants: Gizza: Leather Outfits, Group Gift
Hands: Slink: AvEnhance, Male, Relax

Pose: !bang homme: Stand 004 (Stands 000-009 175L$) 50% retirement sale until July 31st


Built by Darmin Darkes and BaileyMarie Princess, the dark Massachusetts, New England, Coastal Town  called Innsmouth, is loosely based on the mythos created by H.P. Lovecraft. It particularly takes inspiration from the locales in his novella "The Shadow over Innsmouth" and the short story "The Colour Out of Space".

(Windlight setting was the region default)

(Location idea from SLA Review)

July 20, 2014

Extensions of a spirit that is not controlled

Outfit details:

Hair: Ploom: Pepper, Reds, Fameshed
Eyes: Song: Chibi, Honey, mesh, The Dressing Room Fusion
Skin: Essences: Alex, medium 01, TDRF
Shorts: OVH: Cordelia, Red, TDRF
Shirt: Vavien Stylish: Nina, Drop Back Sleeveless, Red, Gift (on Flickr)
Tattoo: Moon Amore: Medhii, Brown, 3 in one for 50L$ (Thanks, Moon!)
Heels: Fri: Joan, old FLF
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet Female High, Mesh Hands Casual

Companion: MishMish: Candy Fluffz, Gold, Rare, July 20th - August 20th @ The Dreamers Factory (Thanks Aime!)
Pose: Purple Poses: Rachel 05, Collabor88

Location: Main artist Alpha Auer: Transit't: Imago Anatopism, LEA10

(Posted by Alana Pyara)

July 19, 2014

Oh can't you see me standing here

I got the avatar Garett from Aeros today. It comes with four modifiable shape options, two types of eyes, six facial hairs, two hairbases, two brows, and six skins! Before buying, you can click through the options to check out, what you are getting, which is really handy, when spending on an avatar you will be using for a while.

Outfit details:

Tank shirt: Sys: Idol, Group Gift
Jean Shorts: Giomen: Open Belt, Two Types
Boots: Akeyo: RoBoots, Mens Dept.

Pose: Tableau Vivant: Jumpdafuckup, old She&Him
Location: With love in her eyes
(Posted by Jensen)

July 15, 2014

True Blue

Outfit details:

Skin: Apple May Designs: Heather, Deep Tan, Smokey
Pumps: Junbug: Sophisticate, Blue, Slink Mid, OMGacha
Bag: Mooh: Cute Blue Bear, OMGacha
Eyes: Musa: Agate, Bergamot, gacha, We <3 Roleplay
Sundress: Dondi's Doodads: Daisy, Blue, old The Candy Factory gift
Hair: Damselfly: Pagan, Bubblegums, The Thrift Shop
Polish: ZOZ: Wet Midnight, for Slink,
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet, Female, Mid, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Kirin: Mimi 1, old Fifty Linden Fridays

Companion: MishMish: Baby Giraffe to hug, Collabor88, July 8th - August 6th (Thanks Aime!)

Location: DeLeon Springs via Lemondrop

July 12, 2014

I thought one day we would touch the sky

 Outfit details:

Watch: Sassy: Just in Time, purple, OMGacha
Shoes: Ellemeno: Mary janes, purple, OMGacha
Bracelet: Izzie's: Hair Tie Bracelet
Crown: Keystone: Freyja, Violet, We <3 RP Gift
Hair: Lamb: Siren, Mermaid, old Collabor88
Skin: Glam Affair: Kallisto, Exotic 04, Collabor88
(I wanted to be honest with the picture, you can see the line between feet and legs. The Slink applier is too red for my tastes. Easy to correct with a bit of tinting, though and great skin otherwise.)
Eyes: InkHeart: March, Love Potion, dollarbie (Thanks InkHeart!)
Dress: B-Dazzled: Summer Ruffle Glitz, Purple, The Thrift Shop
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet, Female, Mid, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Kirin: Mimi 4, Fifty Linden Fridays

Decor: Mango Cheeks: Busby Bear, Lilac, OMGacha

July 11, 2014


New Toulouse is a really special city of the past set in the 1900-1920s. You can see and feel the work and love that has been put into everything. The Green-eyed Fairy has a fully stocked bar and is a great place for spending time with friends. Then I recommend you go for a walk or catch a street car, which of course, is called Desire.

Like the description in the sim blog goes:

"Join us in New Toulouse, the city in the swamp on the bank of the Missedabracket Estuary. Loosely themed after New Orleans and the bayou, 1900–1925. Jazz, alligators, voodoo, and gumbo are strongly encouraged. "
Outfit details:

Skin: Nar Mattaru: Maya, Tone 06, Makeup: Goth Chic, OMGacha
Necklace: Amala: Rebekah, Group Gift
Hair: Tableau Vivant: Panther, Winter, Collabor88
Dress: Cynful: First Date, Pitch Black, TDRF
Shoes: Ane: Aura B&W special, Fifty Linden Fridays
Eyes: InkHeart: March, Silver (Thanks InkHeart!)
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet, Female, Mid, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Kirin: Mimi 2, Fifty Linden Fridays

July 10, 2014

Secret Place

Outfit details:

Shorts: Fashionably Dead: Safari, Rust, Collabor88
Hair: Spellbound: Toothbrush, Brunettes, Collabor88
Boots: Tres blah: Riding Boots, Chocolate, Collabor88
Bag: U.f.o: Sapari chic shoulder bag, python ocher, Collabor88
Top: Mon Ami: Dot Ribbon Top, 5, OMGacha
Skin: Al Vulo: Celestial, Femme Fairy, TDRF
Eyes: InkHeart: March, Sand (Thanks InkHeart!)
Hands: Slink: Mesh Hands, Casual

Pose (affected by pose in bag): Purple Poses: Rachel 01, Collabor88

Location: Santaurio: The Lost Island

July 9, 2014

Sunny days in the city

Outfit details:

Hair: Dura: Girl 54, Mocha, group gift
Leggings: Ellemeno: Lacey, orange, OMGacha
Hoodie: Razor: Punk Seraph, Sleeveless, Teal, OMGacha
Skin: Amacci: Tyne, Cherry, Group Gift
Eyes: InkHeart: March, Wood (Thanks InkHeart!)
Sneaker Wedges: Epic: 8-Bit Heart, Rainbow Classic, Thrift Store
Necklace: Dondi's Doodads: Mesh Cupcake, old The Candy Factory gift
Hands: Slink: Mesh Hands, Casual


Front: Nani: Skater days #6, OMGacha
Back: Lalochezia & Gallimaufry: Keen, 2m, old FLF

July 7, 2014

Karma Camelia

I am a shopaholic but do not have the time to blog everything right away. So sometimes products are old by the time I get around to using them. However, they may still be available at the mainstore, and they definitely show the quality of work of each designer. I show things in my posts that I think I can honestly recommend.

Outfit details:

Shoes: YS&YS: Barcelona sandals, Aqua, TDRF
Skin: Essences: Jamie, dark01, TDRF
Hair: Spellbound: Suspiria, Peacock, OMGacha
Dress: Lugoi Devotion: Camelia, cyan, old Puppet Faire
Eyes: Inkheart: Pure Blue (Thanks InkHeart!)
Hands and feet: Slink: AvEnhance Feet, Female, Mid, Mesh Hands Casual

Pose: Kirin: Azure 5, old FLF


Table: Trompe Loeil: Vintage End Table, Cadet, old gacha
Settee: Tres Blah: Charmant, Vintage Rose, old gacha
Flower: Zoe's Garden: Orchids in Bloom, Yellow & Pink, old Cookie jar cheapie
Twigs and birds: Ionic: Piu!, bohemian, old Chapter Four gacha

(Posted by Alana Pyara)

July 6, 2014

We are Golden

Outfit details:

Skin: Apple May Designs: Regina, Carmel
Hair&Shells: Spellbound: Amber, Reds, Summerfest
Gown: Peqe: Mermaid, Gold, We <3 RP
Eyes: Inkheart: Pure Blue (Thanks InkHeart!)
Hands: Slink: Mesh Hands, Casual

Pose: Label Motion: Charmy 3 (Thanks Anne!)

Companions (also available as avatars): MishMish:  Merboy and Mermaid, Summerfest (until July 13th) (Thanks Aime!)

(Posted by Alana Pyara)